达飝:The Advanced Change Management & Crisis Management in Practice 当代变革管理与危机管控高级教程[英文授课]
2018-11-21 2438

B69 eng《当代变革管理与危机管控高级教程[英文版]》

The Advanced

Change Management & Crisis Management

in Practice

【Background & Goals】

This training Camp is developed from “Ten of the dimensionality in modern change management – the advanced individual abilities in the operation forefront of your industry”, which were conducted in two world top 500 manufacturing giants – Magna International and Winkelmann GmbH. in the closed training.

该培训基于世界500强制造巨头,Magna和Winkelmann 的封闭内训:


This training is built up based on the way of process thinking that aims for and hit the “higher content of action”, which differs from the popular training style currently in mainland China that based on the stereotype of structural thinking, as we know, that is tailed only for top management of a global business group.


The training grew strength from managers, projectors and even operators in the forefront of manufacturing industry, who ever left their home and hit the less sleep and laid down on the ground of the flow shop.


The training drew strength from the not-so-young managers who braved the standout performance in the field, long for the barrier free communication in the training room, to discuss issues according to the engineering draws, sample parts and the actual process documents.



The advanced change management is nothing but a set of individual techniques and tools for business process improvement and iteration which has been made central to business strategy. Today, it is used in all industrial sectors that seeks to lift up the process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects (errors) and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business process operations.


Facing today’s severe market competition environment, this training follows the six sigma methodology, methods and its tools, combined with cases training and discussion, aims to build up and strength the first class team on site in business forefront.



Dept Mgrs, core staff and backbonemanagers in operation level, including (not limited) the R&D, Quality, Process Engineering, Planning, Manufacturing, logistic, SC, Equipment, Maintenance, shift leader and all the mgrs of the relevant business functions.

【Training Approaches】

Focus on practice applied on business site, in particular ways of explaining, Q&A, case discussion and interaction, video analysis and game activities.


1 Be aware of the importance of modern business,

2 Get familiar with principles and the benefit to modern change management business,

3 Understand process improvement ways and core outputs in business processes,

4 Learn the improvement projects priorities, the relevant standards and the description skill to a given improvement project.

5 the approaches, methods and skills to the improvement projects.

6 Get the ability to lead an improvement project team to get things down.

【Timing】 9 class hours (6 Class hrs/day)




PART 1  Necessary & Essential management skills 必备基础

PART 2  The Advanced Change Management 当代变革管理

PART 3  The Risk Management Process 风险管理流程

PART 4  Substantializing & Strengthening to Action 现代团队落地行动

PART 5  Open Discussion 研讨答疑

【Detailed Content】


David shares with you ——Learning by doing, learning by cases.

课前热身:与您共勉 ——边干边学,从实例学

To know in depth of our time

我们从传统制造、精益制造、敏捷制造一路走来 ……


The misunderstanding area of our time —— Language


To win in sharp thinking ——diving into the deep zone of operation


Fish-bone diagram re-consideration鱼刺图(因果图)再认识

Performance management (KPIs) re-consideration 绩效管理(指标)再认识


Ways of thinking in business operation 破冰:两种迥异的管理思维习惯

PART 1  Necessary & Essential management skills

1.1 Two ways of thinking in business operation企业管理的两种思维路线

1.2 The nature of process management 什么是流程管理

1.3 Two tricks in process operation 流程管理两大诀窍

1.4 Process Maturity Level 流程管理成熟度等级

1.5 The Iron Triangle of Manufacturing field 制造业“决策铁三角”

1.6 The non-financial cost 企业非财务成本

1.7 WBS (Work breakdown structure / MIL-STD-1629A) 美国军标:工作分解结构

PART 2  The Advanced Change Management 现代变革管理

2.1 Know in depth the individual abilities in operation forefront


Rules of charge forward in the war 集团冲锋原则

The Ashkenazi Power of execution on production site 德系一线现场执行力

2.2 The self-directed learning abilities 现代管理者自主学习

2.3 Ten dimensions to action in advanced change management


Dimension 1: The Strategy and implementation


D2: The intelligence and counterintelligence


D3: IT platform substantialization


D4: Risk management and decision


D5: The excellent manufacturing on site


D6: The advanced financial system


D7: The advanced HR system


D8: The advanced R&D


D9: The modern supply chain optimization


D10: The Law works


PART 3  The Risk Management Process 风险管理流程

3.1 Goal of modern risk management 风险管理目标

3.2 The risk management process 风险管理流程

3.3 American MIL Samples of the advanced risk management


PART 4  Substantializing & Strengthening to Action


4.1 Blind zone and mine field 传统精益盲区误区与雷区

4.2 The “6+4” criteria 变革时代团队管理法则——外行如何管理内行

PART 5  Open Discussion 研讨答疑

Open discussion and Q/A,

Better based on engineering drawings, process management docs, SOPs and sample parts.



Contact Person::Li Senior (The exclusive agency in Asia)

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